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Print Dialogue box class

A Print dialogue object is used to allow the user to set a number of print options (e.g. number of pages, number of copies etc), and then to request that a document be printed given these options.

User interface

When a Print dialogue is created, it has the following components:


  • a set of buttons and writable fields giving a page range to print (optional)
  • a number range giving the number of copies to print (optional)
  • a radio group consisting of two buttons, indicating whether the printing is to be done Upright or Sideways (optional).
  • an action button Save which saves the current print options (optional)
  • an action button Set Up... which brings up a dialogue box allowing further print options to be set (optional)
  • an action button Cancel which closes the dialogue box without printing
  • a default action button Print which causes a print operation to take place using these print options
  • an option button Draft indicating that draft standard printing is to be used
  • a number range giving a percentage scale factor to apply during printing (optional).

Pressing Escape cancels the dialogue (as well as clicking on the Cancel button).

The title bar of the dialogue box displays the name of the currently selected printer or 'Unknown printer' if there is no such printer.

Application Program Interface

All processing of the dialogue box is handled by the Print module, and the client is informed of any user actions via Toolbox events (PrintDbox_Print, PrintDbox_SetUp, PrintDbox_DialogueCompleted and PrintDbox_Save).


A Print Dialogue object has the following attributes which are specified in its object template and can be manipulated at run-time by the client application:

Attributes Description
flags word Bit Meaning
0 when set, this bit indicates that a PrintDbox_AboutToBeShown event should be raised when SWI Toolbox_ShowObject is called for this object.
1 when set, this bit indicates that a PrintDbox_DialogueCompleted event should be raised when the Print Dialogue object has been removed from the screen.
2 when set, this bit indicates generate PrintDbox_SetUpAboutToBeShown event before the underlying SetUp object is shown
3 when set, dialogue box has the All/From/To Page Range options
4 when set, dialogue box has the Copies writable field
5 when set, dialogue box has the Scale writable field
6 when set, dialogue box has the Orientation options (i.e. Upright and Sideways)
7 when set, dialogue box has Save action button
8 when set, dialogue box has Set Up ... action button
9 when set, dialogue box has Draft option button
10 when set, dialogue box has From/to set from All/From/to
11 when set, dialogue box has Sideways (and not Upright) selected
12 when set, dialogue box has Draft selected
from initial value to put in the From writable field
to initial value to put in the to writable field
copies initial value to put in the Copies number range
scale initial value to put in the Scale number range
further options name of the template for a Window object to be displayed when Setup... is clicked
window name of the template for an alternative window to use instead of the default one (0 means use default)
Manipulating a Print Dialogue object
Creating and deleting a Print Dialogue object

A Print Dialogue object is created using SWI Toolbox_CreateObject.

When a Print Dialogue object is created, the following attached object (see Attached objects) will be created (if specified):

  • further options.

A Print Dialogue object is deleted using SWI Toolbox_DeleteObject. If it has any attached objects (see above), these are also deleted, unless the non-recursive bit is set for this SWI.

The setting of the non-recursive delete bit means that the SetUp dialogue box will not be deleted.

Showing a Print Dialogue object

When a Print Dialogue object is displayed on the screen using SWI Toolbox_ShowObject it has the following behaviour:

Show type Position
0 (default) the underlying window is shown at the last place shown on the screen, or the coordinates given in its template, if it has not already been shown
1 (full spec) R3 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R3 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
R3 + 8 visible area maximum x coordinate
R3 + 12 visible area maximum y coordinate
R3 + 16 scroll x offset relative to work area
R3 + 20 scroll y offset relative to work area
R3 + 24 Wimp window handle of window to open behind
-1 means top of stack
-2 means bottom of stack
-3 means the window behind the Wimp's backwindow
2 (topleft) R3 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R3 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
Before the Print Dialogue box is shown

When the client (or the Toolbox) calls Toolbox_ShowObject on a Print Dialogue object, a PrintDbox_AboutToBeShown Toolbox event is raised before the dialogue box becomes visible on the screen (if the appropriate flags bit is set).

This allows the client to set up the contents of the dialogue box appropriately.

Getting and setting printing options

A Print dialogue box contains many fields which are either options or writable fields. These are:

  • page range
  • number of copies
  • scale factor
  • orientation
  • draft.

Each of these components can be read and set dynamically using the following methods:


Responding to action button clicks

When the user clicks a particular action button (or presses Return or Escape), the client receives one of the following Toolbox events:

  • PrintDbox_Save if Save has been clicked.
  • PrintDbox_Print if Print has been clicked or Return has been pressed.
  • PrintDbox_SetUp if Set Up... has been clicked and there is no specified Window to be shown.
Getting the Print Dialogue's title

The string appearing in the Print Dialogue's title bar is the currently selected printer (or 'unknown printer' if there is no such printer). This string can be read using the PrintDbox_GetTitle method.

If the Print Dialogue is persistent, and the currently selected Printer is changed, then the Title Bar will change to reflect this.

Getting the id of the underlying Window object

The object id of the Window used to implement a Print Dialogue can be obtained using the PrintDbox_GetWindowID method.

The SetUp Window

It is possible to specify the name of a template to be used for showing an object when the SetUp... button is pressed. This object is shown in its default place persistently.

Print Dialogue Methods

The following methods are all invoked by calling SWI Toolbox_ObjectMiscOp with:

R0 holding a flags word
R1 being a Print Dialogue object id
R2 being the method code which distinguishes this method
R3-R9 potentially holding method-specific data
PrintDbox_GetWindowID 0
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 0
On exit
R0 = Window object id for this Print object

This method returns the id of the underlying Window object used to implement this Print object.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_window_id ( unsigned int flags,
                                                  ObjectId printdbox,
                                                  ObjectId *window

PrintDbox_SetPageRange 1
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 1
R3 = start of page range
R4 = end of page range
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method is used to set the page range for a Print Dialogue.
A 'start' value of -1 means 'All'.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_set_page_range ( unsigned int flags,
                                                   ObjectId printdbox,
                                                   int start,
                                                   int end

PrintDbox_GetPageRange 2
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 2
On exit
R0 = start of page range (a 'start' value of -1 means 'All')
R1 = end of page range

This method is used to return the page range for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_page_range ( unsigned int flags,
                                                   ObjectId printdbox,
                                                   int *start,
                                                   int *end

PrintDbox_SetCopies 3
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 3
R3 = number of copies
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method is used to set the number of copies field for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_set_copies ( unsigned int flags,
                                               ObjectId printdbox,
                                               int copies

PrintDbox_GetCopies 4
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 4
On exit
R0 = number of copies to be printed

This method returns the value of the Copies field for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_copies ( unsigned int flags,
                                               ObjectId printdbox,
                                               int *copies

PrintDbox_SetScale 5
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 5
R3 = percentage value to scale by
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method is used to set the scale factor for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_set_scale ( unsigned int flags,
                                              ObjectId printdbox,
                                              int scale_factor

PrintDbox_GetScale 6
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 6
On exit
R0 = percentage scale factor

This method returns the value of the scale factor for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_scale ( unsigned int flags,
                                              ObjectId printdbox,
                                              int *scale_factor

PrintDbox_SetOrientation 7
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 7
R3 = non-zero means Sideways, 0 means Upright
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method is used to set the orientation for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_set_orientation ( unsigned int flags,
                                                    ObjectId printdbox,
                                                    int orientation

PrintDbox_GetOrientation 8
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 8
On exit
R0 = orientation non-zero means Sideways, 0 means Upright

This method returns the orientation for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_orientation ( unsigned int flags,
                                                    ObjectId printdbox,
                                                    int *orientation

PrintDbox_GetTitle 9
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 9
R3 = pointer to buffer to hold title string
R4 = size of buffer to hold title string
On exit
R4 = size of buffer required to hold title string (if R3 was 0)
else buffer pointed at by R3 holds title string
R4 holds number of bytes written to buffer

This method returns the current string used in a Print object's title bar.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_title ( unsigned int flags,
                                              ObjectId printdbox,
                                              char *buffer,
                                              int buff_size,
                                              int *nbytes

PrintDbox_SetDraft 10
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 10
R3 = non-zero means Draft, 0 means 'non-draft'
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method is used to set whether draft printing is used for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_set_draft ( unsigned int flags,
                                              ObjectId printdbox,
                                              int draft

PrintDbox_GetDraft 11
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = Print Dbox object id
R2 = 11
On exit
R0 = draft non-zero means Draft, 0 means 'non-draft'

This method returns whether draft printing is used for a Print Dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *printdbox_get_draft ( unsigned int flags,
                                              ObjectId printdbox,
                                              int *draft

Print Dialogue events

The Print module generates the following Toolbox events:

PrintDbox_AboutToBeShown (0x82b00)
+ 8 0x82b00
+ 12 flags (as passed in to Toolbox_ShowObject)
+ 16 value which will be passed in R2 to ToolBox_ShowObject
+ 20... block which will be passed in R3 to ToolBox_ShowObject for the
underlying dialogue box

This Toolbox event is raised just before the Print module is going to show its underlying Window object.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
  int                show_type;
    TopLeft               pos;
    WindowShowObjectBlock full;
  } info;
} PrintDboxAboutToBeShownEvent;

PrintDbox_DialogueCompleted (0x82b01)
+ 8 0x82b01
+ 12 flags

This Toolbox event is raised after the Print object has been hidden, either by a Cancel click, or after a successful print, or by the user clicking outside the dialogue box (if it is transient) or pressing Escape. It allows the client to tidy up its own state associated with this dialogue.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
} PrintDboxDialogueCompletedEvent;

PrintDbox_SetUpAboutToBeShown (0x82b02)
+ 8 0x82b02
+ 16 object id of the object about to be shown
(note that the 'self' id in the id block will be for the Print Dialogue object,
not the object which will be shown)
+ 20 value which will be passed in R2 to ToolBox_ShowObject
+ 24... block which will be passed in R3 to ToolBox_ShowObject for the
underlying dialogue box

This Toolbox event is raised just before the Print module is going to show its underlying Window object.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
  ObjectId           object_id;
  int                show_type;
    TopLeft               pos;
    WindowShowObjectBlock full;
  } info;
} PrintDboxSetUpAboutToBeShownEvent;

PrintDbox_Save (0x82b03)
+ 8 0x82b03
+ 12 flags
bit 0 set means print Sideways (default is Upright)
bit 1 set means print Draft (default is non-draft)
+ 16 page range start (-1 means All)
+ 20 page range end
+ 24 number of copies
+ 28 value to scale by (a percentage)

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Save button. The client should save any options associated with this Print Dialogue (usually in a document which is being edited).

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
  int                start_page;
  int                finish_page;
  int                copies;
  int                scale_factor;
} PrintDboxSaveEvent;

PrintDbox_SetUp (0x82b04)
+ 8 0x82b04

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Set Up... button, if there is no dialogue box associated with this button.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
} PrintDboxSetUpEvent;

PrintDbox_Print (0x82b05)
+ 8 0x82b05
+ 12 flags
bit 0 set means print Sideways (default is Upright)
bit 1 set means print Draft (default is non-draft)
+ 16 page range start (-1 means All)
+ 20 page range end
+ 24 number of copies
+ 28 value to scale by (a percentage)

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Print button or presses Return.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
  int                start_page;
  int                finish_page;
  int                copies;
  int                scale_factor;
} PrintDboxPrintEvent;

Print Dialogue templates

The layout of a Print template is shown below. Fields which have types MsgReference and StringReference are those which will require relocation when they are loaded from a resource file. If the template is being constructed in memory, then these fields should be real pointers (i.e. they do not require relocation).

For more details on relocation, see Resource File Formats.

Field Size in bytes Type
flags 4 word
from 4 word
to 4 word
copies 4 word
scale 4 word
further_options 4 StringReference
window 4 StringReference
Underlying window template

The Window object used to implement a Print dialogue, has the following characteristics. These must be reproduced if the Window is replaced by a client-specified alternative Window template:

Title bar must be indirected.


Component ids are derived by adding to 0x82b000.

Component id Details
0 action button (Print) this should be marked as the 'default' action button
1 action button (Save) this should be marked as a 'local' action button
2 action button (Cancel) this should be marked as the 'cancel' action button
3 radio button (From/To) this is selected to allow page ranges to be printed
4 radio button (All) selected for all page print
5 & 6 writable field (From)
writable field (To)
these are used by the user to enter a page range
7 number range (Copies) these are used by the user to enter the number of copies
8 number range (Scale) these are used by the user to specify a scale
9 radio button (Upright) selected for portrait
10 radio button (Sideways) selected for landscape
11 option button (Draft) selected for draft
12 action button (SetUp...) this is used to bring up a Window of further options
13 label (To)
14 label (Copies)
15 label (Scale)
16 label (%)

Print Dialogue Wimp event handling

Wimp event Action
Mouse Click on Print button then raise PrintDbox_Print Toolbox event

on Cancel button then raise

PrintDbox_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event

on Save button then raise PrintDbox_Save Toolbox event

on Setup... then raise a

then show the specified Window object, or raise a
PrintDbox_SetUp Toolbox event if there is no such

on All (pages) and All is off then

set All on
set From off
and shade the writable fields

on From and From is off then

set From on
set All to off
and unshade the writable fields

on Copies or Scale up/down arrows then

increment/decrement values

on Upright then set Upright on and Sideways off

on Sideways then set Sideways on and Upright off

on Draft then toggle state of option button

Key Pressed if key is Return raise PrintDbox_Print Toolbox event

if key is Escape act as if Cancel has been clicked

User Message Window_HasBeenHidden Toolbox event
hide the dialogue box, and raise a PrintDbox_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event

return help message to sender

This edition Copyright © 3QD Developments Ltd 2015
Last Edit: Tue,03 Nov 2015