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Support for RISC OS 3.10

This appendix describes the support provided for RISC OS 3.10.

RISC OS 3.10 support is located in System.Modules.310Support:


RISC OS 3.10 has the following restrictions which would affect Toolbox applications:

  • basic 3.10 does not have 3D icons as standard (e.g. option buttons and radio buttons)
  • fading icons on 3.10 is not always consistent (e.g. text label will gain a white box behind the text)
  • deleting a window while a 'slabbed' button is pressed in will cause a crash.

The ThreeTen module addresses the above restrictions. It is automatically loaded by the Window module when running on a RISC OS 3.10 machine, and also looks for a new version of DragASprite and BorderUtils. It is able to co-exist with New Look.

This edition Copyright © 3QD Developments Ltd 2015
Last Edit: Tue,03 Nov 2015