21/03/17 - New major update to our RISCwares checkout systemWe are pleased to announce that the new version of our checkout system has gone live today. RISCwares version 1.36 represents a major upgrade of our system and is, as far as we are aware, the only system of it's type that's been developed on RISC OS. Since the first version of RISCwares replaced the earlier e-junkie based system (as used by RISCOS Ltd) we've been listening to customer feedback and have been improving the system. The latest version replaces version 1.20 and uses 256 byte encryption methods to store order information on our server rather than downloading the information from PayPal when it's required. The system for downloading digital products has been redesigned and we have extended the availability time scale to a full 28 days, rather than the 14 days indicated in the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Full order information is now preserved should the status of an order be changed. In total there are over 100 changes/improvements since the previous released version of RISCwares. Finally, as a result of the improved functionality, we have made a couple of small changes to our Privacy Policy. These changes only apply to any orders placed after the 14th of March 2017. Aaron - 3QD Developments Ltd