March 2001 RISC OS Survey - Comments

This is a sample of the comments made in reply to the question on the March 2001 Product Survey about things that people think are missing from RISC OS, or current RISC OS computers.

If you would like to see the Product Survey form the click here.


"Ease of getting on the Net. Central Source of RISC OS information."

"A comparable IDE for programming to Visual Basic, C++. The template format is of no use in today's environment. We need a new IDE GUI and file format similar to .cls, .bas and .frm files on the PC."

"no more 'no stack for trap handler' interruptions ( Voyager )!. Better Internet facilities on Voyager or other [Ability to hear speech & music & see film type animations (on Voyager, if possible, but a change to another browser if necessary. Software to run the latest Epson or other printers."

"USB connection. I use many pinboards (46). Could RISC OS be developed to recognize multiple pinboards by filename ?"

"Web browser that can be used for financial transactions."

"Up to date internet-software and cable-network connection and most of all RISC OS on my new NetBook"

"Closer links with C (like UNIX)."

"Drivers for peripherals. A continued supply of good software."

"Java. CD-ROM drivers need improving. Printer drivers need improving."

"OS: Nothing it's really great! XScale or ARM10 should be supported in future Hardware: Faster Memory, XScale-Option and 3D-Acceleration Software: New and easy Development Environments and a MPEG-Player with Sound!"

"Support for 32 bit processors. Better WEB browsers. Fully featured C++ compiler"

"Full memory protection to avoid system crash (like with Unix). Tools / OS features allowing easy ports of free software, in particular the port of Mozilla (or a part of it). Unicode support in the OS."

"Nothing I can think of."

"PC Video compatibility in Replay. Cerilica Vantage!!"

"1) Support XScale 2) High-quality graphic card 3) PCI-bus and support it in RISC OS 4) Conversions from/to Word, Excel etc."

"Safe file undelete, USB device support, DVD support / video standards OS, support for 'Internet standards', such as MPEG, AVI, Real Audio, etc. Spurious crashes and 'Blue Screens of Death' !! "

"USB drivers PCI Network and SCSI drivers Rapid Application Development environment for BASIC and C/C++ "

"Good internet access able to read Flash / Java / Real-time etc Good dialup software able to handle multi - addresses. RISC OS itself is excellent! "

"ARM FPU ! USB interfaces would be a good idea too. A good Java Virtual Machine and a new good Internet Suite are needed!!!"

"Internet Suite comparable to Explorer or Navigator and just as well supported"

"The copy and paste facilities of Windows, and variety of available hardware, i.e. different types of video cards, etc."

"RISC OS software, nothing new in the last three+ years."

"Internet Gizmos and Gadgets are the main problem plus - in education whiteboard technology."

"Java, HTML 4 browser"

"More Software!"

"Support for Video - formats / new version of Replay. Better and faster printing. A better Alt-break dialogue - a list of active tasks like ctrl-alt-delete on Windows. System-wide PNG-file support like with JPEGs A better and more configurable filer display - a bit like FilerPro. An updated filer count function - which returns the real value - like RealCount."

"Improved Filer performance, pre-emptive multitasking, improved crash protection, smaller icons on icon bar (better usage of screen/desktop), smaller/faster/clearer !Boot application."

"Maybe not in RISC OS, but I would say we needed a lot more Internet software - RealPlayer, QuickTime, Flash 5, Java etc."

"Competitive Industry Quality Software, and at not too expensive price (difficult, I know)"

"I'm missing a fast FPU and a 3D-Accelerator for OpenGL/MESA! The ARMs without FPU are to slow for OpenGL and MESA applications."

"dragging to an input-focus will improve the usability. (like auto-fill-in in Internet-Explorer or copy-paste) "

"pre-emptive multitasking?"

"Definitely important is a mechanism for Copy & Paste wherever text strings or graphics appear - it should be something built directly into RISC OS in order to guarantee compatibility."

"Better Internet Software (Plugins RealPlayer ...) I would like to use standard extensions like TV-cards, graphic-cards, ..."

"Decent printer drivers - the current photo real drivers do not compare with the ones for Windows. This was the reason I bought my Windows98 PC. A web browser that can access all web sites as easily as IE5. Oregano comes close but is not quite good enough."

"Pre-emptive Multitasking. Posix compliance. Integrated Networking. Something between FreeBSD and RISC OS would be very nice."

"I miss good mathematical software (like MAPLE, MATHCAD, MATLAB)"

"Real Audio, Windows Media Player, Current release of Java"

"Enable to compete with other platforms when accessing internet. (Java, Streaming Media etc.)"

"Needs a good and cheap 'visual' programming environment (either BASIC or C/C++). Needs an all-singing, all-dancing browser! (inc. RealAudio etc.) Presentation software (to compete with PowerPoint). "

"A much improved video system/player"

"Internet access compatible with PC "

"A desktop file recycler / trashcan. Currently lagging in the internet arena. Could do with an up to date spreadsheet application (i.e. supporting later Excel sheets)"

"Because I do some technical drawing and design work with people using PCs RISC OS programs that can accept PC work in some form are very useful."

"Hardware/OS: More up to date computer models with XScale and/or ARM10 support. RISC OS should support the ARM 32 bit mode as far as possible. I'd like to buy some software products for the RISC OS platform this year (new Internet software, upgrade my EasiWriter to TechWriter, etc.), but first I'd like to see if this software will run on a 32 bit OS, too."

"Easy development system, C language, e.g.. updated toolbox incl. sources. USB connectivity possibility to play AVI/mpeg/... movies + sound in the desktop, new computer with faster processor + better connectivity. I would buy in this year when available, but need to see it before putting the money down."

"Internet Browser compatibility with the main PC offerings. "

"USB connections"

"Up to date browser capable of handling latest internet features/advances. "

"32-bit compatibility (for XScale) Up-to-date Java. CSS-compatible browser"

"Real Audio, Full feature Flash for web pages, USB for things like web cameras"

"Hardware: lack of support (at present) for any and/or all of PCI, USB and FireWire -- and therefore driver software for these interfaces: new hardware which doesn't offer connectivity via PCI or USB is virtually 'dead in the water'. Printing: this area doesn't offer 'seamless' integration and functionality with the latest printers. It would be nice to be able to take advantage of 1200dpi resolution"

"faster Processor/32 bit support, DVD support, USB support, Quicktime/AVI Player"

"Unicode, 32 bit, task/process support in kernel, More leadership for application integration standards, PC video card support (preferably AGP)"

"RealVideo/Audio, mpeg with audio, more stable OS ;-), true 32bit so, more compatibility with other OS's, fixed sharefs & cdfs ... "

"DVD player, graphical operation need to be improved, better and easy to use internet connection with 'free' quality browser. standard hardware for the sound system with integrated sampling/voice recognition facility. Very high speed memory management."

"Java and MP3"

"Better Support for internet e.g. Flash etc better printer support egg ink jets (photo quality)"

"The biggest 'missing' thing is nobody actually knows it even exists. In my University there are as far as I know 3 users of RISC OS, one teacher that has one as part of his collection of rarity's. One student with an A5000. And myself with a RiscPC. On the software side: A spreadsheet with good macro support that is better than MS Excel."

"A FPU. More speed. real 32Bit."

"32bit support (for XScale, Arm10)!; DVD-support, Joliet CD ROM support (RISC OS internal), PCI-Support, Firewire-, USB Support, more and recent printer drivers, perhaps a few more games"

"USB support, better printer handling, drivers for new printers,"

"pre-emptive multitasking, keyboard shortcuts"

"Better Internet technologies. Better keyboard only control of RISC OS. Better multi-tasking - i.e. no hourglass! Update to Replay - more codecs supported. More Printer drivers. USB & PCI interfaces. FP processors. "

"Visual development tools - particularly for Java (we are about to move 'en masse' in the next 12 months at work - a window of opportunity for RISC OS desktops I think to stand out and support SUN's (the real!) implementation!. Internet and database tools (with integration to Java) so that RISC OS desktops can be used to develop full blown interactive internet sites."

"Up-to-date printer support"

"Print manager control of paper+ink combinations for colour, secure profiles for different users (i.e. kids!!), memory protection against app crashes, A register which understands all apps installed on a machine and thus prevents the 'unknown application' type messages. This would also control which app defines icons, Alias$, etc."

"Java, Good C++ development environment, Floating point co-processor"

"Floating Point Hardware... JAVA, JAVA, JAVA and a GOOD web Browser; then could be Flash, Real Audio... and a real native Clipboard"

"Video editing, viewing. DVD viewing"

"3D-Graphics (OpenGL - Hardware accelerated!) Hardware Floating Point"

"3D Software. Internet Standards (RealPlay,Flash,Java/JavaScript (proper !)) "

" Hardware floating point, preemptive multitasking, and virtual memory support, and an affordable C/C++/Java Development suite."

"An all-singing all-dancing web browser. Better and more efficient dynamic memory allocation (to make, for instance, web browsers faster) Better software development tools."

"A lot. But in the moment I have no time to tell it. But now. 1) Mouse for Left-handed. It is not working. Use !DisMouse. 2) !Toolbar. Better !AppDock if 2 Sites. 3) !FullNames 4) ShutdownWatcher 5) !StartUp 6) One Music program for *all* kinds of formats for Midi and Speaker in ROM. Serenade/Sibelius 7) One Editor (StrongEd) in the ROM. 8) One Graphic program (Paint)"

"Faster machines, especially for using the StrongARM's fast 66 MHz Memory Bus efficiently (hopefully provided Millipede / Microdigital), and Support for XScale processors to have a future in hardware (-> So RISC OS should be 32 bit)"

"more users ;-) Personally, I miss a dealer nearby in order to pass by, e.g. test software demos and ask stupid questions."

"In general better compatibility to the damned PCs concerning soft- and hardware. Hardware: being able to use the low price components of the PC market. Software: having chance to convert vector graphics and formatted text from RISC OS machines to PCs and vice versa. Also being able to adjust the computer in a better understandable way from the desktop. Long filenames and more than 77 files per directory."

"PCI support, 3d support"

"Better printer drivers, JAVA!"

"Better printer drivers - these are the only things I find very much better in the Windows world"

"I would like to have web-cam on line connection also more 'ports' on my Risc PC at present I manually switch between Modem / Digital Camera and Printer/Scanner "

"USB, USB drivers, photoreal printer drivers, faster sound encoding "

"File translators to PC formats e.g. RiScript is great for PDF conversions."

"The web browser needs to compete with Explorer. The office software needs to compete with Office 2000 and be compatible with it as well. Floating Point Hardware! Wireless Networking support (I use this ALL the time at home)."

"Development Tools. As I am a software engineer, what RISC OS needs is an advanced C++ library. Looking at Linux, which I am getting more involved in, one of the main driving forces behind the OS is it's free IDE's with excellent libraries, look at the QT library. If RISC OS had the equivalent 'QT' library, software production, I am sure, would increase greatly."

"Pre-emptive multitasking - Proper printer drivers - Java 1.2 or higher - HTML4.0+CSS+JS browser (can be based on WebSterXL or Oregano) - Good spreadsheet."

"Decent printers, Keyboard control, OS PMT? Internet technologies such as Real Audio/Video "

"latest or up to date internet tools and languages such as Java (version 1.2 or 1.3), XML and a fully functioning TCP/IP stack an inbuilt JVM (and or Jini) engine hardware and software support for USB or Firewire"

"1) On screen Anti-aliasing in desktop (like in DrawWorks New Millennium). 2) Spring-loaded directories which, if you drag a file over a directory and hold it there, the directory springs open so you can drop the file in. 3) A replacement for DOSFS, to allow you to read and write Windows filenames, including support for long and Unicode filenames."

"Multithreading Hardware independence More configurability in OS (filer, iconbar etc) "

"Support for contemporary Internet browser plug-ins and protocols. A simple to install Linux distribution. A hardware reference platform to ensure compatibility of future processor/riscos/adapter cards across the range of machines available or being developed. "

"a good internet browser, MS-Windows paste and copy (Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl Y Ctrl V) keyboard shortcuts within the wimp, RON, USB Port,"

"Digital/analogue Video editing, Firewire support, USB support, DVD support, Sony memorystick support "

"Memory protection, better internet capability."

"A good accounting package, good integrated business package which is supported. Web browsers which are up to date and fully capable of video, etc. "

"Good, fast printer driver for current and future printers. An very good Internet browser. Better support of foreign language, especially German."

"more keyboard control "

"Got to persuade Pace to keep a viable tool chain for RISC OS app development active or else we might as well all go home now..."

"a clear future = if I am going to spend a lot of money on RISC OS and hardware I want/need info if it is worth it = no more Phoebe"

" Telephone logging, Caller Display ID, usage, UserID, Password, Usage token(1hr per day) Browser (Parental Lock) Mobile phone/palm top connectivity (address book, phone image/ replacement Orange, Cellnet, ring tones) games for WAP phones. "

"Better support for common internet standards - video/sound/java/XML USB support Better printer support - like !Dialup use the windows setup if possible, DHCP support via built in network Improved support for CD's/DVD's. See file type without seeing application. Save file first time in a directory without 'Drag&Drop'. Save file into directory without opening it "

"An up-to-date, fast and reliable internet browser"

" Support for high speed and high specification graphics. I'd also like a really fast SCSI raid system - my PC has fast IDE raid [which Linux doesn't support :( ] so I guess I could compromise on that! "

"Better printer support; USB support"

"Connectivity to database servers like mySQL, PostgreSQL, Ovrimos SQL "

"Cutting edge internet software such as RealAudio and streaming video and also java 2. 100mbit NIC would be nice. Better web browsers - Oregano is good, but is lacking development."

"a decent printing system"

"Support for Faster CPU, RAM, USB, UDMA 66-100, SCSI U2W-160 etc. Better: Multi-task.-threading, Filer enhancement., Security etc. Support for DVD, Fast Network, Faster PC cards + Emulation etc"

"DVD drive "

"Topical printer driver"

"Good printer drivers The biggest problem is that the new computers are so slow coming"

"Photo quality printing, better internet capability"

"faster printers/multi-task control so not having to wait for printing to stop, USB support, Real sound on internet and moving graphics, more software for home use, such as-garden and home design progs, DIY software, cookery software, foreign language tutors, up-to-date digital photo processing software, AA auto route maps, easy mail label printer, software that will use up-to-date Avery label formats, DVD players"

"new software"

"Onboard PDF handling and HTML handling. It would be good to see a browser released with RISC OS, so that all machines were ready configured for going online - e.g. Browse, ArcWeb; perhaps strike a deal with R-Comp for WebsterXL. I would also like to see built in Java and a greater development of C++. These are very popular programming languages used universally and might encourage more developers to develop."

"There is always room for improvement no matter how good something seems to be. I would like much better support for keyboard-only usage of RISC OS. I'd like to see Filer directories that open automatically if you 'hover' over them (like in Mac OS 9). I'd like to be able to click 'Find' or 'Count' from a disc icon on the toolbar. I'd like a web browser that support CSS (properly)."

"Hiding files ; Something like 'Filer+' (a utility which browses via menus through the directory-structure ; links ; virtual memory ; better support for foreign file/graphic-formats ;"

"actual Internet-software, actual digicam-drivers"

"pre-emptive multi-tasking, more hardware-power, USB, better graphics"

"addenda to my previous questionnaire: the provision to use more than one monitor, i.e. like a triptych support for 36 or even 42 bit colour display support for ARM 10 and above processors "

"There are HP-Notebook Computers with SA inside. Why are there no ports to this computer?"

"Up-to-date Java, Real Audio, DVD compatibility "

"Modern connectivity: USB, IEEE-1394. Port of Netscape/Mozilla. "

"Multimedia capability for Video on DVB Sound. Fast Hardrive access, Fast Networking. Networking Compatibility. Easy Internet Access"

"(1) Applications! e.g. A rival to MS word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint etc. (2) Graphics e.g. Dedicated 3D processor. (3) Faster processors. (4) Fully multi-tasking e.g.. Using threads etc.."

"Up to date printer drivers "

"- something like RCI's !DialUp software as an OS standard, not as an extra software package -> easier connecting to the internet, even for customers of foreign ISPs... :-) - support for PPPoE (-> DSL) - a decent browser (fully complying to HTML 4.0/CSS/XHTML 1.0/XML standards!), it would be great if there was a browser shipped with RISC OS - an HTML editor like Homesite!"

"easier internet access"

"Very good Database and Spreadsheet. The lack of speed and fast graphics. Support of USB devices; support of fast IDE drives; Firewire / video support."

" USB port "

"At present, our RISC OS computers do all that we need them to do. "

"DHCP Client, built in integration to PC (Windows) networks"

"There is no professional software for sound editing, like Nuendo, Pro-tools, or Soundscape ..."

"As far as I am concerned in the games market things like support for movie playback, decent programming tools, OpenGL standard. As a user then a decent all-in-one Internet package, decent spreadsheet like Eureka. More support and compatibility with Windows formats. Decent global clipboard a.k.a. PC."

"XScale support"

"Solid internet software. Browse was the best there was, and it's dead now and it had lots of problems. One does really need, essentially, IE for RISC OS."

"Kernel process knowledge. Pre-emption. PCI/AGP support. 3D gfx accelerator support. Shared library support. Decent debugger. User/kernel threads."

"preemptive (Unix-y) multitasking more server-side elements, e.g., support for web based application type stuff"

"Built in support for internet ( browser )"

"RISC OS: hardware 3d acceleration support, USB support, 32bit support, PCI support, multiprocessor support. Hardware: new memory tech (DDR SDRAM/ RDRAM), USB, PCI, multiprocessor."

"Better programs and a better support. Look at Videodesk, I paid 1000 pounds 3 years ago and must still work with a beta version program.:-((("

"USB support, DVD capabilities"

"independency of RISC OS from custom chips, 32bit version of RISC OS, PCI (hopefully soon), Notebook (hopefully soon) "

"pre-emptive multi-tasking, virtual memory, 32-bit support"

"I would like the Desktop to be more keyboard friendly. By that I mean like the way Windows can be used almost entirely with just the keyboard."

"1. Fast machines 2. Nice fully integrated internet solutions 3. General low level OS stuff like 32bit, then Pre-met. MT and improved memory protection, preferably at the same time for one compatibility jump..."

"Better integration of OmniClient. Per user choices. That bloomin' ColourPicker bug fixing :-) Improved clipboard support. Better archiving facilities. Network development tools (e.g. System:Modules.URL...) supplied with the OS. It would be nice if we could share to the PC reliably; SmbServe is a little too unreliable for regular use. Updated LanMan would be nice, too. "

"Stability, applications, development."

"USB conectivity for digital cameras, mice, joysticks and others, 3D APIs(open GL?) & higher graphics perfomance (8MB+ vram), a good browser with java (fresco crashes are very annoying). need much more raw processsing power (waiting for XScale Imago to go into 5 slice RPC). it would be nice to have plug&play monitor support."


"Lots of things, but USB ports are really needed now. Get rid of the reliance on old Acorn custom chips "

"Higher spec video handling - I have Viewfinder which is great, (better resolution/colours) but slower than VIDC"

"32-BIT! Basicially, I feel that we're stuck with no more processors until this happens... "

"'Full Monty' web browser. Accounting package (when !Prophet dies - soon it seems - I will be binning my Acorn machines and buying a PC and Sage)"

"A good web browser - I use a PC for most of my web browsing because of the difficulty with sites and attachments"

"32 bit machines. Improved printer drivers with respect to colour rendition of photographs "

"Improved internet 'compatablity' ie Flash 5 video etc."

"Speed, compatibility with PC products (hardware & Software) especially Internet compatibility Personally - looking for video editing"

"large 16M colour screenmodes(w/o switching inputs) USB, Good C/C++ compiler AND libraries"

"Better website access. Lots of dodgy sites throw me out (Fresco 2.13)"

"hardware : USB, PCI, Xscale, faster memory/busses, PCcard with 500MHz+CPU, FPA software : 26/32 bit functionality, better printer drivers, up to date browser/s & Java/script Wish list could carry on and on - but I'll stop now :) Although we could do with an 'iMac' to get Joe public buying RISC OS and not 'doze. We *know* it makes sense- they need help! I would have bought Imago"

"Better rendering of windows like this one where i can't see what I'm typing!"

"DHCP support, USB support, Firewire support. graphics resolution. Browser technology is poor."

"Graphics performance, Fast Ethernet, PCI i/f etc"

"Real Audio / Video"

"USB connection"

"a GOOD web browser that can cache! an intelligent ISP connector program "

"Stability, proper web browser, speed, proper graphics capabilities - ie not an add on like Viewfinder, USB, hardware independence"

"I think web technologies, sever software and minor cosmetic changes should be made. Things like allowing 2+ RAM Discs, giving extra fonts with the OS and a slightly smaller !Boot structure."

"Modern productivity or ease-of-use features in the core OS, eg Filer is ancient (but still efficient mind), many Windows/MacOS (particularly MacOS X) features are still missing. Even opening up the Filer/Pinboard/other bits by providing more Wimp messages/SWIs/star commands would enable us to to extend these bits ourselves. "

"true multi-tasking (non-co-operative), comparative processing power to modern CPUs, eg Athlon / P4, true relational database"

"Essential: 32-bit. Highly desirable: 3D hardware acc., latest Java, RealAudio, ReadVideo, Spreadsheet that can read the latest Excel format. "

"Decent web-browser, streaming video, up-to-date java, use of PCI/AGP cards for add-ons, lack of fast processor support. Memory protection. Proper multi-tasking. Printer drivers are severely lacking."

"Support for new technologies like USB. Simple things such as a lack of floating point hardware on most machines. "

"RISC OS itself: -better handling of hardware related: -more powerful hardware -more native software"

"Vantage - getting impatient Web Browser that can cope with more web sites"

"Certain multimedia support, especially streaming support from the Internet. "

"Sound software, mp3 creating. Modern browser. Graphics display, high resolution/colour. Speech recognition."

"File format compatability with MS Office applications. Netscape browser is now public domain "

"A decent Shockwave Flash player, and other such compatibility issues"

"rapid development, software & a growing user base."

"Off hand, I'm fairly happy with what I've got, to be honest. I'm sure that puts me in a minority, though... "

"Java; USB ports/functionality"

"Speed to compete on software needing power Drivers and connectivity for peripherals. I am the wrong man to ask being generally content with what I have."

"hardware: Actually being available, not just round the corner all the time."

"A users system (I know it wouldn't be secure but..) Everybody likes independence (just look at mobile phones - everybodys got one) making a computer more personal is VERY important - As is Richard Goodwin's desktop theme project this MUST be incorporated into RISC OS. "

"32 BIT Support connectivity (e.g. PCI, AGP, USB) fast processors + Graphics cards DSL or Fast Internet (although Tele2 do)"

"Web browsing - Home Banking - "

"Standard cut/copy/paste. Easier Internet/Network integration. A good IDE based programming environment. Easier way to switch between running aplications. ie. Similar to Alt-Tab on Windows."

"Desktop browser capable of logging into Internet Banking sites. Better printer drivers. "

"flash compatibilty,movie player eg.avi,mpeg,real movie"

"RAM info on filer window Easy addition of options to the filer window -> so apps can add this such as open in web browser, very Windows-esque, but also very useful, 3d api/3d hardware - such as OpenGL -> very very important for 3d apps and esp. games."

"1) Internet software to offer comparable internet experience of PC users, up to date JAVA, improved JavaScript, ability to play AVI files, MPEG's with sound, Real Audio etc. 2) Floating Point 3) USB 4) A new killer app. to help halt the shrinkage of RISC OS users due mainly to 1-3."

"Competetive webbrowser (haven't seen Oregano yet though), media exposure & 3D graphics accelerators, improved printer support would be nice but expensive. Esp. a better postscript level2/3 support, incl. colour. A proper C++ compiler, preferably with a more modern IDE "

"printer / scanner drivers, remove save desktop boot option from iconbar, ability to hold down a key and click on a bit of a window to bring it to the front "

"Printer Drivers, Internet Browser"

"Missing from RISC OS: Internet Connection, Web Browser and News/Mail Reader; PC Network Connectivity ie LanMan98; DVD Capability. Missing from RISC OS Computers: PCI Bus; USB; High Resolution Colour Graphics; Ability to connect more than two IDE devices."

"32 bit support and hardware independance."

"Continued development of the OS. Programming tools (aka Delphi). 32 bit OS support. Ability to use modern file formats such as MPEG, MPEGII, RealAudio etc."

"Browsers that can handle the lousy sites out there. Spreadsheet that can handle Excel/MS workbook docs. RISC OS itself is fine as it is."

"virtual memory (the only problem I ever have is not enough ram). would be nice to see multi-processor support. 2 of my pcs support dual processors (linux & nt4.0 used respectively... yeah, mostly good fun, but blazing rendering and rc5 power ;-) ). perhaps pre-emptive multi-tasking. leave lots of 'holes' or opportunities for third party applications to flesh out OS."

"Improved multimedia video (mpeg) / audio A native XML parser, as a system module (similar to the jpeg mod) More hardware independence, greater level of abstraction from hardware via generic APIs. Support for newer hardware tech. in the OS iteself: Firewire / ATA100 / USB etc."

"Latest Java, support for USB and IEEE1394, support for 3D, porting tools"

"Up-to-date Java support, video support for recent formats, virtual memory"

"Internet support, networking, printer drivers. Support for 'new' hardware (ie 100mbit networking, USB, graphics cards etc). Software application development in all areas."

"An updated browser with good Java capability, a modern (Excel compatible) spreadsheet"

"Stability - RISC OS needs to be robust, have memory protection, etc. to compete. Speed is also increasingly an issue."

"USB, More software, More optimism!"

"I still think the RISC OS GUI is the best in the world, and the uniform style across applications makes it considerably easier to use than other GUIs. Improved stability (ie memory protection, and PMT) would be a major bonus, although I appreciate that these things are nontrivial technical issues. Naturally hardware independence and 32bit compliancy are a must."

"Functionality - USB, Realaudio, Java, Macromedia. Shockwave 4, Applications - the abilty to read, and possibly write, Excel, Powerpoint and Access. OS - Draw to read/write SVG files. Allow files to be saved WITHOUT having to ensure directory window is visible !! Stop ensuring RO3 compatibility, it is slowing progress, and then get rid of the legacy junk in !Boot."

"Full clip board, ability to drag folders into another folder without opening the folder"

"Java, Browsers, Floating point"

"Support for newer processors"

"At the moment I use a PC to access the internet but would obviously prefer to use my Risc PC. Access to certain sites particularly internet banking, which is essential for me, can be difficult with RISC OS browsers. Hopefully this situation will improve in time."

"Decent C/C++ compiler and IDE."

"a 32bit version to allow the use of newer processors."

"CDFS desperately needs to be updated (Also Ideally DVD drivers but maybe not the priority at the moment.) Also better compatibility with Scanners, Drives and especially printers. Generally I think things are going in the right direction, but much more needs to be done, and there needs to be a greater understanding of the urgency of the situation"

"Java, POSIX compliance (including pre-emptive multitasking at least when required i.e. could be additional to the current cooperative model and used when required)"

"Full Browser compatability, mic input/ voice recognition software, fast MP3 encoding, DVD"

"USB, full internet support"

"1) Better Java support (NOT just for internet) this machine independent language could be very useful to RISC OS. 2) USB & Firewire ports on the computers, more & more peripherals are being produced with these interfaces, none of which can be currently used with RISC OS machines. 3) Better & simpler networking to other computers & OS`s (PC, Mac, Unix, Palm...)"

"Full internet support, especially Java and Javascript. M$ file support. "

"High performance hardware (disk interface speed, processing speed, high bandwidth and speed video support); USB and USB peripheral support; Comprehensively featured spreadsheet; Netscape 6 level web browser"


"Hardware - USB support Software - 2 aspects are I feel important, neither of which are easy to solve. First support of browser features like Java, Flash. Second, support for a reasonable range of current printers. I'm at least having a go at this aspect, with limited success."

"A future"

"Fast, hard development to include emerging technologies."

"Multi-user support with seperate home dirs, Filing system with access control bits etc. like in Unix (probably port of ext2, Reiserfs or similar) More powerful shell commands, maybe a bit more compatible to Unix (yep, I really like that one :) More and smarter built-in tools (better editor and a paint-replacement for a start, but there are other nice features that should be included in the OS"

"Access to Internet made easier with more support for 'add-ons' like Java, Flash etc."

"... MultiPPP, ISDN/ADSL support, JAVA, player MPEG, QuickTimeVR, AVI, RealAUDIO/VIDEO, Driver for 6 color printers, Virtual Memory, Clipboard ..."

"Fresco not able to cope with all pages, not yet convinced by others on offer. Would like ability to play MPEGs. Eureka getting too old. Insight not being updated for RISC OS"

"A web browser which is as good as IE5, desktop schemes, decent Flash support, decent HTML/DHTML/WML/PHP/JavaScript editing environments and handware compatibility. Messenger Pro however is better than any email program on a PC. I've also just bought a computer from Dell to connect to a university network as it was cheaper and easier than buying a RISC OS machine to do the same thing... :("

"decent web browser - to work with all (!) sites and to parse pages more quickly"

"Easy sound input. Better CD Rom support. DVD support. Updated browser"

"Good browser & e-mail programme suitable for business use"

"* Web browser capability. I still find IE preferable in many ways for web browsing. * Printer/digital camera support. And I'm forced to use my FireWire enabled digital video camera with Windows too. * Wide user base and marketing profile * A portable RISC OS computer - I very much support the RISC OS on the Psion Netbook/Series 7 idea. It would also help get RISC OS seen more in the pub"

"Complete 'compatibility' with the Internet (locked out of some sites) No support for DVD RAM devices No support for DVD ROM devices No support for USB"

"Better/newer Printer support"

"Support for newer printers. Internet technologies such as RealAudio/Shockwave/Java 1.2 "

"A decent CD ROM filer, inbuilt networking software (better Omni etc), inbuilt tools as available on other platforms. Internet plugins that brings to the OS Flash, Sound and all the other things which make web surfing enjoyable, but not at present on RISC OS. (And not left to very poor PD etc apps.)"

" Support for cable modems, cheaper networking, web integration (webcam as this will be an integral part of any computer) higher res (more colours) DVD support, ....retaining the filename even when you forgot to drag it to it's destination."

"Easier access to the internet. "

"Free Browser, email and newsgroup software. Email and News Reader as well as collector (pop3 or IMAP) should be included and free. Spreadsheet would be useful too. Support for new internet protocols ie IPV6 would be good as would LanMan for connecting to Linux and PC that was up to date and fast."

"effective web page rendering for all industry standard formats. StrongArm processor able to run RiSC OS and Windows natively (in other words Windows ported to Xscale processor. "

"Fixes for very long term problems like 1) !Printers giving 'please insert disc xxx' when using the net. Fault has been around for years and years. Still driving me up the wall. 2) Booting a machine with an ethernet card gives ' file handle is illegal or has been closed. Fault has been around for years - still not fixed. Seen literally dozens of machines doing this. 3) A browser "

"RISC OS (thoughts based on 3.7 and limited exposure to 4): A desktop database (like the Mac OS), enabling easier file management and offering a proper Wastebasket. The ability for applications to open documents from a menu without having to have the file's directory open to drag from. HARDWARE: Modern connectivity - IEEE1394, USB, 100Mbit Ethernet; a PCI bus"

"Commitment to C/C++ and other development tools to replace Norcroft if it is not to be supported."

"Support for faster processors and commodity interfacing PCI/USB etc. Better printer support. Modern OS features such as PMT, multi-threading, disc caching, etc."

" I would like to recommend a 'Risc PC' for my granddaughter but ALL shop software is PC or Mac. "

"Improved printer support. Ability to cope with a wider range of features of the Web."

"Javascript and full CSS1 if not CSS2 browsers is a major failing. I am a webdesigner and I am having to buy a Mac or PC soon in order to properly test and work on some designs. I really don't understand the problem as to why these are not forthcoming."

"Access to protected sites which only operate with up to date versions of Netscape and the 'other peoples' system' and to cope with sites which require backloading of their files before allowing access"

"Colour printing facilities to rival those of the PC. USB & Firewire (I want to edit digital video - hence purchase of PC.) Photodesk3 isn't as good as MicrograFX 50 offering. "

"Better printing support and a good integrated development environment."

"Better internet access e.g. java, newer version A spread sheet that can match Excel "

"Integrated Internet functions. Better specified Internet functions. PC type cut n paste. Plug n play with add ons (eg scanners, printers). Decent software package with each new machine."

"Support for RealAudio, also DVD support, more printer drivers."

"Happy with the OS. Just want availability of new machines!"

"USB support, DVD, internet software, development libraries (or ports of those on other platforms), any new software in general."

"Better printers & CDFS. non reliance on IOMD/VIDC memory protection, multithreading, pre-emptive multitasking. Multiple processor support - different threads on different procs. eg 26 bit ones on SA 32 bit ones on Xscale A few add ons to allow it to appear like windows. eg start menu. "

"An effective browser. I use Netscape on my Dell PC for browsing the web, although I use Voyager for e-mail and news groups."

"Java for internet banking with eg Co-op bank Streaming music "

"MPEG-DVD, Floating point, DHTML/CSS2 Browser,"

"Support of recent printers; USB; digital camera; webcam"

"Support for 32 bit, USB & DVD. Better Internet support. Support for more up to date printers."

"Acess to Multimedia Files ie MPEG 2 with sound Realplayer / Audio shockwave the latest version of Java. Lack of Firewire video input / Software. General lack of software being updated and inovative new software. Some system for allowing software to be updated automatically."

"Better and fuller featured browser improved development environment"

"Java, Java Script updates. Real Audio, Video. Flash etc."

"Resizable icon bar"

"Extended icon bar to work as !Extrabars does + better global clipboard including whole files and writable icons + integration of !Director + Printers needs to allow a way of having two or more drivers on the iconbar for driving photo or draft etc without fiddling in advanced settings each time."

"USB Connectivity : "

"USB, support for PCI and PCMCIA cards (hardware and drivers needed)."

"Support for 'off-the-shelf' graphics-acceleration expansion cards"

"More _free_ software in general."

"USB. A browser that accesses the sites you can get to with IE5.5 although WXL gets better every month. PCI modem. A cheap ATX-style case. (second slices are so expensive) I use !FullNames on the desktop, but I miss pop-up descriptions in applications like Easiwriter after using Windoze at work, because I tend to forget the meaning of icons and buttons. Age, probably!"

"Printer drivers for the latest printers. And a more compatible browser. And a SQL/DS database system."

"Decent Internet software, comparible to PC browser. Working JAVA in order to be able to use Telebanking. Proper Sound and fast Flash plug-ins"

"Java. DVD. Mozilla (SVG, Flash, Shockwave support). I would love to use a RISC OS machine as my client but can't justify the expense."

"better internet compatability so on-line banking becomes easier. Perhaps more speed! "

"1) Up todate Java, Javascript, Flash, Real Audio, MPEG player ie all the things that make practical (and commercial) web usage viable. 2) Faster processors and a solution which allows *major* software titles to run even if they are not being updated to 32 bit."

"A Browser that works as is with my ISP (Asia on line) Streaming video/audio. Where is Omega/Imago? I have a use for either NOW!"

"PC peripheral hardware compatibility. Latest ARM CPU compatibility"

"32-bit support, USB support "

"Browser capable of coping with modern web sites. Please note that I was not able to use Oregano to fill in this form. "

"Internet utilities "

"Realtime streaming audio/video. Ability to read MS Excel and MS PowerPoint. USB Port to enable ADSL connection at lower rates"

"PMT, Memory protection, Virtual memory, Full 32-bit support, Fully featured web browser"

"Standardised USB support Proper memory protection so one application cannot bring down the whole OS. 32bit support and abstraction away from the hardware with proper specifications for writing drivers. Proper standardised graphics API. OpenGL would be nice. Floating Point Accelerator. There's one for the ARM10 right? Some sort of multi-threading / pre-emptive"

"Decent web browser. Floating point. Low cost network cards. PDF reading and editing."

"Increased compatibility with 'standard' (pci etc)hardware upgrades. DVD Playing."

"Cable access to the internet (dynamic IP?) - easy to use wimp interface for C/C++ (like Dr Wimp for Basic) - being able to play more video formats - updating browser all the time (although Oregano etc are catching up)"

"Good development tools, like Microsoft Visual C++ "

"Hardware: PCI support, lack of non-specifc hardware support (CATS board), faster SA 100Mbit network card Software: Printer drivers that respond quickly and really do work in the background. A FileCore/FileSwitch that doesn't lock the machine during operations (so things like FTPFS could be facilitated). A decent XML (+HTML) browser. Better usage of the internet."

"A decent internet browser: (i have bought Fresco (fast but outdated so no good anymore), i have bought Browse (slow stable outdated no good anymore), i have bought Webster XL (after a number of updates still a laugh, sorry), Oregano (another amount of money, maybe, but i don't think so yet) -a good mechanism in RISC OS which prevents the machine from freezing (hanging up the OS"

"I'd like the OS to run on PCs"

"Support for the lastest hardware and hardware standards, including ADSL/DSL/cable modems, modern broswer software with plugins."

"FPA, Speadsheet that loads upto date excel files. Printer Support."

"Better browser capability e.g. more plugins for existing browsers - data streaming? More import/export facilities for Windows stuff especially Office. Easy/Techwriter are OK for Word, but converters for Excel/Access would be useful."

"New hardware support, new printer drivers, virtual memory"

"An 'industry standard' browser. "

"Good internet software with an up-to-date browser supporting CSS and most Javascript. A known future for the platform - at the moment RISC OS companies seem to be fighting against each other...."

"Up to date Web browser, with all the facilites!"

"A Secure Desktop\HD (fslock is fine until you remove the HD and stick it in another machine), DHCP, ability to use WINS when running with a PC network so that you can browse the network a bit like network neighborhood"

"true multitasking; web brower access to more sites (full javascript impliment and key plugins needed) "

"32-bit compatibility and VIDC and IOMD dependency. Basically, I want 'RON' to be possible."

"Virtual Memory. Multi-threading Multi-user"

"26 bit compatibilty"

"More file compatibility with foreign file formats: Powerpoint, Excel, etc. We also need to move on from 1996 technology. e.g. More processing power, better video hardware, new interface standards (USB, Firewire, etc)."

"Better net utilities (Flash/Real audio/java/javascript compatibility."

"Much better development tools, those that came with Acorn C/C++ V5 need updating, looking at what other platforms offer RISC OS is way way behind."

"A powerful component-based development system - with programmatic access to internet functions, database functions etc (e.g. the FTPc BASIC library is brilliant - but a standard system, like COM/ActiveX under Windows, is needed) Without this, it is very hard to build new systems without re-inventing the wheel! Browser support for new web technology"

"Internet compatibility with the latest specs. Speed - my current PC is 900 MHz Athalon. Good, high quality net development tools, such as Dreamweaver!"

"I think support is limited."

"Fully netscape-compatable internet browser with extensive multimedia support"

"Web browser capable of handling *most* sites, including all the plugins such as Java. C++ compiler which is up to date (to the current ISO standard) and which does not require hours/days to set up in the first place."

"Good Java JVM/ Networking improvements/ Decent development environment (compiler + environment)"

"Simple Networking. Better manuals"

"Up to date Java implementation, additional multi-media software for internet - eg. Flash, RealAudio etc."

"Data compatibility for Excel workbooks. Data compatibility for PDAs e.g. EPOC agenda format. Full browser capability for Java/Javascript/XML. Secure Shell support "

"Much better printing and driver availability. Faster processors. Something newer than a Risc PC."

"32 bit instructions; multithreading; draw to bit map conversion more speed. "

"Filer needs to be extended to include keyboard access (like in Windows Explorer (!)). Easier connectivity to Windows networks - most users have PCs as well as RISC OS machines. Better internet connectivity. More printer drivers - and support for network printing (Not just JetDirect either - I have a DLink print server on my network with a LJ1100A plugged into it). DHCP support."

"Good Web Browser. Better Email Facilities. Ability to read DVD discs. Ability to run other operating systems e.g Linux. Better printer drivers. USB Drivers for new devices. Ability to use off the shelf PCI cards "

"1) A spreadsheet package with similar or better capabilities as Excel 97, 2) An integrated Visual Development package similar to Visual C++ 3) Better Web browser compatible with latest versions of Netscape and/or IE5 4) for future RISC OS machines, a faster PC Card to give us the ability to use PC based software when we really have to, although I'd prefer to do everything via RISC OS of course."


"Preemtive Multitasking!!"

"Java 2 Software to edit and process XML. Web Browser than can be extended locally Interfaces with digital cameras - still + movie. More complete set of web browser plug-ins "

"Better web browser (poor compared to PC); Hardware independence (for Psion portable); 32 bit mode (for Omega); Better colour printer drivers (currently not as good as PC)"

"Better Internet access, lack of laptop style portable (and one faster than the proposed RiscStation). Lack of development of video and audio software. Lack of specialist software for disabled users. Lack of access software for disabled users, inc screen reader type"

"Better printer drivers. Expanded ability to import and export alien file types, especially PDF etc."

"Support for modern advances in hardware, particularly for high-performance graphics and computation. Modern operating system features allowing for greater stability, scalability and easier/more convenient application development. "

"32-Bit is essential to support the jigsaw of hardware out there, but RISCOS Ltd. are a brilliant company so I have no doubt."

"Should be provided with Internet access, including Browser. I realise this is uneconomical, hence the lack of a long term future."

"Support for non-Acorn platforms. I have 4 other ARM machines - Psion 5 & 5MX, Newton 100 & 2100. I don't expect RISC OS on a Newton but on the Psion 5, or more to the point the HP Jornada palmtop or subnotebook, would be VERY desirable. Yes, on the netBook too, but the HPs offer more features and are as cheap or cheaper. There are desktop type machines too, such as the NetWinder. "

"Good printer software (postscript as well as newest photo-printers) good (cheap) browsers and internet software newest standards like fire-wire"

"Usual things i.e. PMT but probably more importantly memory protection. Floating point unit on processor"

"Easier acces to Windows software - removal of 'timing errors'"

"Full USB support. The portable. Better Web functionality. A Printer driver config app. DVD support. SmartMedia support. Application development tools."

"A 'Recycle bin', customisable video hardware, better DOS FS support, in-built support for Mac disks, easy-to-use dial-up networking software (Like on Windoze) and possibly a sound fx shceme for the desktop (RISC OS is productive, but not very fun to use - for the kids, you know!)"

"better mpeg software also mp3 encoding and dvd software would be nice."

"dial-up and web browser"

"Support for AVI and/or Quicktime video formats, perhaps? I think we're missing out a bit. Standard 3D graphics API - see www.coderscauldron.com"

"A sufficiently competent web browser DVD technology 'Out of the box' internet accsess (e.g. iMac) Further enhancement of the excellant Draw An excellant address book, diary, email and newsreader program included in the OS An improved text editing program (e.g. Zap or Strong) to be included in the OS A more customisable desktop enviroment A 'cool' looking GUI"

"Easy appending of mode definitions to MDFs, DVD support, replacement for MovieFS, multithreading on processors, better multitasking, realy decent browser"

"Movie players (quicktime, avi etc.) with sound DVD support Improved Javascript/CSS. Cut and paste into/from text icons"

"Full 32-bit compatability. Also, it appears that the multi-processor home computer it likely to become a lot more widespread, and I believe RISC OS should allow the user to get the most out of such machine. There must be some multi-processor support built in already, but a clean (OpenMP-style) programming interface might be desirable."

"Pro level music software e.g. Sibelius / Cubase particularly audio."

"F+ in open source (to use it to boot Linux/BSD) and multiboot. A RISC OS computer at work."

"C thread library to enable more up to date things like mozilla etc. more web plug ins i.e. quicktime, better flash, better java etc"

"Better Internet access , compatibility, better PC / Acorn / Mac compatibility, DVD Support, Sampling Support & Video Digitising Support, PS2 Mouse / Wheel Mouse Support, PC Gaming Support"

"I know the comp.sys mod will be screaming for VM, but given that my 32MB machine rarely dips < 20Mb free, I don't see it as essential. Okay. I think the ability to run NetScape/MSIE plugins via a browser would be nice. Maybe a fake Win32 environment for the 80486 card? As Acorn would once have said, non-trivial. The printing system really needs reworking."

"Full-featured web-browser, ie including Java, etc."

"I am missing some good, easy and professional applications for Graphics, 3D, Video or Web Browsing. I think you should make a system for professional users. And you should build OpenGL into your System! Driver for 3D-Cards! You could take Blender (http://www.blender.nl ) and you have a very good 3D-modelling,-animation and authorsoftware on your system. "

"USB, PCI, high speed video cards (games ?) Fully capable Web browsers."

" drivers; so poor choice of printers. Digital camera software lacking; so poor choice of cameras. All these are readily available on PCs, so I shall probably buy one this year and gradually phase out my RiscPCs."

"A database program at least as good as Dbase3+"

"More functions from Web browsers. i.e. easier access to on-line banking, real sound etc. 32 bit OS. Functional USB to support wide range of digital cameras, printers etc."

"JAVA (existing version out of date and unobtainable) Good programmers development environments cf JBuilder, Delphi Up to date browser and other applications e.g. no spreadsheet really has graphics capabilities of Excel. Games such as those available for MS PC's Applications such as MathCad, Matlab, which I need to use."

"Native support for TIFF files especially. A fluent real player app. Proper Java support"

"Networking needs improvement eg DHCP, 100Mbps ethernet. DDC. Disc partitioning. Good disk performance (both raw disk bandwidth AND buffer cache) Sane API. "

"Decent software"

"I'm extremely satisfied with my system even though it's not perfect. You'll get more sensible suggestions from those who have found the limitations of the system to be a source of frustration. "

"java2, real audio & video and support for other 'standard file formats'"

"More plugins for browsers. The ability to use more hardware, e.g., USB, etc. I realise this depends on the availablity of drivers, etc."

"Improved drivers, particularly for printers. Adequate web browser essential as is a decent C++ compiler and development tools. Need provision for 4 IDE devices, printer drivers very poor "

"Good up-to-date Internet software "

"Primarily the 32-bit addressing hardware issues. I think software is well provided for (though I'm not the world's biggest web junkie - the browsers available aren't great). I think it's primarily a matter of price and speed, both of which are limited by external factors."

"A decent print solution for latest print engines. Transparent Internet capability. Integrated networking. A fully-fledged C++ developer system to keep developers happy!! Expandable graphics with 3D support... USB / FireWire Continued development of Sibelius for RISC OS!!!! "

"Support for modern printers, Mac like find feature, streaming(real audio) support. "

"A newer Java run time environment (1.1 at least, preferably 1.2 or greater). USB ports. "

"USB, decent printer drivers"

"Up-to-date internet sofware (it's very important to keep up with the PC world) Drivers for hardware (Printer, scanner etc...) New drawing package (Vantage still isn't finished!) "

"Lack of support for internet technologies like RealAudio is frustrating. USB devices are becoming significant and need to be supported. More fully featured printer drivers. It would be wonderful to integrate the new font system that EFF have developed into RISC OS. Acorn apparently lacked the vision to see the significance of the advances that EFF have made."

"Only reason for buying PC is to edit digital video"

"Fast ICA client, Shockwave and better Flash Real Player and other movie player. Excel workbook and Powerpoint compatability"

"-Internet technology is going to continue to boom--RISC OS needs to be kept up-to-date in this area -Multimedia technology is falling behind (video/streaming audio etc.) -Stability (although good on RISC OS) is very important -Proper global clipboard support would very much improve useability (selectable text) -High quality development tools are /vital/."

"Web browsers, need improving, mainly plugins Better Javs, realAudio, AVI MPFG creators etc."

"32Bit OS, better internet support, good pre-emptive multitasking. Better PC hardware support (PCI AGP USB etc) "

"DHCP, DHCP and DHCP. Oh yeah, did I mention DHCP? Other than that not a lot springs to mind. I am happy with RISC OS 4 pretty much as it is."

"From RISC OS - protected memory, so the whole system does not crash if one app dies, (not that this happens much but when it does it is a real pain). Making every one use the global clipboard, it can be very useful. Background printing from all printers. Support for latest JAVA and internet stuff like flash 5+, streaming video - std internet stuff. "

"Generally, the speed, FP ability, hardware compatibility with modern PCs. "

"Up-to-date printer driver system / support for new(er) technologies (eg USB) / "

"A good web browser. Pre-emptive multitasking and multitreadhing. Multimedia support. "

"up-to-date internet-software, powerful spreatsheet (read/write excel) "

"Hardware independence, Pre-emptive multitasking, Virtual memory. "

"To have browsers that are as good if not better than the PC offerings. "

"built-in dialler, probably hardware for mpeg decoding, better music editing hardware/software. *Memory protection to stop/ reduce crashing by rogue software*"

"better support of today's standards, that is especially multimedia like mpeg-2, DV, mp3 encoding and so on. At the hardware side: Firewire and USB support. And I urgently miss an excel-compatible spreadsheet - that is important for surviving in the 'real' world (what about taking over and developing EUREKA?). And the situation at the printer-driver front is SAD!"

"Not sure, not much I don't like. - Up do date browser/JVM would be nice, maybe threads? - Support for cheap expansion USB/PCI etc..."

"1st quality browser."

"hardware: USB or IEEE1394 OS: pre-emptiveness, virtual memory, good tcp-ip stack"

"The support for floating-point instructions is rather lacking, both in hardware and software. Of course, a hardware solution would be preferrable, but I don't think that the Floating Point Emulator module has received all the optimization work it could (and probably should) get. Anything else that might be missing from RISC OS computers now seems to be addressed by the forthcoming developments"

"Printer support to match the PC output in every way. PCI, DDR SDRAM, ATA100 drive support, IEEE 1394. Better internet connection so when I send a e:mail some one on a RISC OS machine can read it. DVD, DVD R, Robotics output, USB,"

"USB, Good Java, Javascript and other browser plug-ins"

"USB, Firewire. Decent support for contemporary peripherals e.g. PC133 memory, UDMA100 disks"

"Cross platform GUI-Library (e.g. wxWindows). Pre-emptive multitasking. More stability, crashes not taking down the whole machine. Browser/Java for home banking."

"Better internet access and USB support for low cost scanners, camera's, printers etc"

"I have no strong opinion as a retired user mainly concerned with word processing"

"Better compatibility with PC office programs - but increasing the lead over the windows package. Development of web browsers to catch up with the current PC standard. "

"DHCP client, faster bus architecture I'm sure I'll think of something else once I posted this"

"Internet applications, Games, Business applications, availability of RISC OS, publicity."

"Browsers inadequate. Needs more connectivity generally. !Dial up (new to me) is an excellent example of a well marketed, well documented 'friendly' application making RISC OS users 'included in mainstream"

"DHCP / PPPoE / 32bit support / Unicode aware FontManager"

"Better web browser at least as good as the PC ones"

"What happened to the Network Development Kit? I'm building my own Ethernet card and and am going to have to develop the software from scratch. (so far it just supports ping)"

"An *easy* way of getting on the internet - I managed it with no knowledge on my PC card by simply sticking a CD-ROM in the drive and clicking 'go'. I want to be able to do the same in RISC OS."

"USB support Video support/software"

"USB ports EIDE IInterface for more drives, better printer control, better CD filer."

"Decent C++ compiler. No-brainer internet tools and web plug-ins. Comprehensive file converters/filters free with OS. USB integration."

"Still use Acorn for majority of my work, but think it is also essential to have a PC. Best of both worlds!"

"32bit compliance for future processors, an initiative to persuade all software writers to use drag and drop between applications WITHOUT using Save->Selection etc. Good examples are Datapower2."

"Support for 32-bit mode operation (eg. XScale processor)"

"Support for a faster PC-Card ( PIII or better ) for the Millipede Imago and/or the MicroDigital Omega, especially now, where Hardware Support for Sound, USB, accelerated 3D Graphics and a faster IDE Bus is available."

"Serious Development Tools so we can see things like Dreamweaver, Sound Forge etc on the RISC OS desktop."

"Cheap h/w. Good development environment compatibility with other systems"

"Better / faster Printer drivers Better web-browsers / Email Facilities [Video+audio data]better javascript support Access to DVD Discs. Better Spreadsheet. Built in high capacity floppy drives (Sony 120 MB) Faster and greater memory /processor capacity as standard. Higher screen resolution. Ability to run other operating systems [Linux] [EPOC 32] USB interface and drivers"

"Video software to fashionable standards. Voice recognition software"

"fast CPU, better graphics, better internet software, high-end software of any kind, PCI-support; OS needs more flexible GUI, virtual memory, preemptive multitasking"

"An easier navigation interface for directories. Some way of switching between running applications."

"Support for newer technology as it comes out. e.g USB, PCMCIA and drivers. We NEED more Internet applications, i.e Java, flash, streaming quicktime, MPEG etc. Marketing outside the RISC OS community (and outside the UK) is essential. I also find suppliers tend to not reply to emails when wanting to buy things - it is VERY off putting, and attitudes like this will turn people off."

"Better web browsers, USB, PCI."

"support for 'industry standard' interfaces - particularly USB and PCI A decent browser (inc bells and whistles such as Java support as far as possible)"

"Greater source-code compatibility."

"MS Office compatibility (read/write latest versions). Up-to-date browser. Latest Java. VM support"

"DVD support, good marketing"

"Decent (up-to-date) internet suite, video players, some decent games, up-to-date expansion capabilities."

"Decent web browser, cheap/easy portability between platforms (you can get it with most formats but at a price), improved productivity (Key shortcuts, improved printing, ...), faster processing (I get frustrated with slow graphics work on SA + RO3.7 + photodesk), up-to-date HW peripherals support (Scanners, printers, SCSI cards, digital camers, DVD, ...)"

"Portable, Portable, Portable... Good Shockwave support. Real Audio/Video support"

"Good printer drivers -similar to Windows. My printer is a HP Deskjet 895CXi which seriously lacks photo real drivers on RISC OS 4"

"I want to be able to record and play MP3's and other music files and use the RISC PC for storing them. I don't know about how to download these to the MP3 players - have we got software for all the MP3 players that you can buy? Can we have one place to find out about and get the software for these MP3 (and other) players ?"

"1) Set type should give menu of icons/names as per Filer+ 2) Printers should have a universal default for each printer to set physical print margins. Once paper size specified, this would allow intelligent printing instead of repaeting the same info multiple times. 3) Java 1.2 support is vital 4) usual hardware issues re USB / Firewire 5) ability to drive two display devices."

"A much faster processor, the PC leaves RISC OS standing when processing graphics files."

"Undelete in the filer, application launcher (launchers such as menon, and Icondir seem to be limited to 12 apps)."

"Can't comment - haven't got RISC OS4"

"USB support. PCI Card support. 32/Faster processor"

"32 bit version, although it looks as though work is being done towards this end. More hardware independence."

"pre-emptive multi tasking, virtual memory, multi processor support USB, Firewire and Bluetooth support standard keyboard access to all menus, eg via alt key as in windows (mice break; its quicker to type than use a mouse for repetitive actions) "

"Better internet software. Updates to software such as Eureka."

"Full Java Support"

"I can not think of any software at the moment. A USB port seems to be common in the PC world, especially in the Mac. A PCI slot which could use Sound Blaster cards would be useful for people like myself who receive digital radio signals, this would I imagine would require a major architectural change."

"Proper method of installing/uninstalling applications - great user interface flexibility"

"Better memory protection"

"Proper DHCP handling is essential. A decent Internet connection in the form of a built in connection 'wizard' that will allow you easily to connect to the internet or local networks without too much hassle. Do it like Windows does it - establish the connection (and keep it up) and let the mail / web / ftp / etc client handle the transfers by themselves. 'Native' Samba that can allow PCs to read RISC OS discs"

"Intergrated MSWord, BMP, TIFF and ZIP file support in the OS itself. Faster computers, the Risc PC is just too slow. Filer Plugin support to allow other applications to add themselves to the OS."

"Open-standard stuff. Can you say 'Java'? "

"1. USB 2. Up to date JAVA implementation 3. Printer drivers that include calibration options (eg. for colour setup) 4. A new Hourglass to replace the dated one. 5. A file conversion utility that works in a similar way to ImageFS2 for graphics that sits in the background and invisibly converts PC, Apple file formats to RISC OS formats such as Text, Drawfile, Impression etc and back again"

"Music/video handling internet connectivity/ability to access various datatypes/pages"

"Memory protection and better multitasking would be great. I would also like to see improvements to the GUI, such as an app/window switcher to make it easy to find buried windows."

"The essential software is there, but it doesn't evolve fast enough. It also no longer has that extra above PC software it had in the past. "

"Greater support for Internet technologies, a complete overhaul of the printing system, monitor calibration integrated into the OS, 32-bit, 32-bit, 32-bit!!!"

"DVD playback"

"The latest connection standards e.g. USB; Real Video / Audio for internet etc. multimedia; Broadcast quality video editing software/hardware; Up-to-date Sound editing / sampling software / hardware; The certain knowledge that any scanner / printer / digital camera etc can be connected to and will work with my computer."

"RISC OS: much wider hardware support needed for any worthwhile new machines. Poor multi-tasking performance, poor caching of input/output. Computers: processor/bus speeds too slow, relatively poor graphics capabilities as standard, no support for wireless networking, or even USB etc."

"The ability to Isolate crashed programs and remove them from menory without having to restart the machine."

"RISC OS: Proper scheduling of tasks, Multithreading, Pre-emption, Browser, Mail reader Compiler. Hardware: Decent bandwidth throughout hardware e.g. memory, cpu, IDE. FPU Proper DVD 3D graphics. Sorry folks but I'm running my RiscPC until it becomes too expensive to repair and then leaving the RISC OS world. I can't take the heartbreak any more."

"DVD, MPEG, Audio/video streaming, disc search (as Windows) ATA 100 support and Zip drive support."

"More colours at high resolutions."

"IDE (Intregated Development Environment) including 'debugger' for both Basic and C. "

"CDFS, PCI/USB/Firewire port, standard network card, XML/svg, standard PDF printer that is to PDF file, Opentype-fonts, including RISC OS fonts, Unicode, Fast Filefind, SQL database like Squirrel, free email/news reader"

"A browser incorporating most of the thing you find in the PC world. DVD playing abibities. MP3. A Citrix Client running Windows from my RPC"

"Browser to IE5 standard at least ability to run PC CD-ROMS - possibly only short term? "

"The WIMP: universal clipboard support (inc. sub-icon cut/paste). This doesn't sound too difficult! I get the impression USB and PCI are important, and support for widely available PC hardware generally. Development tools, preferably made easily/cheaply available in order to stimulate new development. "

"Ease of access to the internet would probably be the biggest problem, though this is a little difficult for me to jugde as my set up is cobbled together from various PD sources - making the task a lot more intersting :) Also web toys like Flash and comprehensive stable javascript are lacking somewhat, not essential in themselves but they are the pretty bits people look for. built in HTTPS"

"1) More users! 2) USB support for peripherals"

"Java 2. Floating point or DSP hardware"

"Higher monitor resolution up to 1600x1200 in full colour - faster PC (for picture and video/audio-processing) - more connection for up to date hardware"

"In order... Memory Protection. 32 Bit support. Simple Internet access built in (with latest standards) Pre-Emptive Multi-Tasking. Virtual Memory"

"An upgrade path. Good enough Unix migration tools to ease porting of software. A low cost (less than GBP 600 - GBP 900) portable."

"Hardware protection to prevent rogue task from crashing system; 32 bit compatibility; C++ development environment consistent with MS support (to encourage developers to use RISC OS for developing, then port to MS, etc!); more up to date printer drivers, web browser. File compatibility with up to date versions of popular applications in some areas, eg spreadsheet (tho' of course this is applications not OS"

"1)Ability to browse all web sites.(Try http://www.slimbridgeprimary.ik.org ) E-mail software that doesn't rely on a third party text editor (Clicking Edit, compose, close, save, ok, send (Messenger Pro) is long winded!) 3) Why do I have to have 2 printer driver icons, 1 text only, to which I switch when I want to print e-mail? (If I'm wrong, can you let me know? Stylus 400 Colour )"

"Ability to read MS Excel files. Access to a wider range of services on www."

"Pre-emptive multitasking A reasonably up-to-date but stable web browser (Not yet but maybe soon) IPv6."

"A good Rapid Development Environment (something like Delphi/Kylix). Error messages should be linked to 'help' screens as some of the help messages (particularly disk errors) can be obscure. Support for multithreading and Multiprocessors would be nice, the PC Card should be upgraded to something like a Duron (but the price should be fairly compeditive). "

"The main thing I would like to have is a RISC OS computer on a card which could be plugged into a PC. "

"dvd support, file compatibility, and easier with bigger compatibility internet config and access . FP Unit or something as fast Video/sound In and out"

"Printer Support, Hardware independence 32bit etc., "

"A good laptop (Should be sorted out soon due to RiscStation) Ability to connect to ADSL, use of USB devices. Also RealAudio and other Internet plug-ins would be great"

"Powerful hard- and software for audio- and videoprocessing. "

"Free or affordable internet software, especially a good Java enabled browser. Up to date Java Development Kits"

"Up-to-date video playback & web browsers."

"Desktop clipboard"

"Upgrade Draw / Drawfile format to give better compatibility with Acrobat/PDF files e.g. clipping"

"USB, PCI, Graphics Acceleration, Hardware floating Point, Pre-emptive multitasking"

"Web music, Web cam, Video editing"

"Up-to-date internet software, Java 1.2, floating point co-processor, more powerful computers (compared to standard PC, we are very far behind) "

"I'm happy as they are "

"Improved colour printing capability (I find I have to do any serious colour printing on my PC)"

"Software. Especially modern spreadsheets and printer drivers."

"Actual (compared to PC) hardware normal prices. If I use a PC these days (>= 700 MHz) , there is the same cool feeling of speed ('on the fly') which brought me into the Acorn world in 1994 (A5000) "

"RISC OS and their computers are great products. Unfortunately, they don't advertise enough and will continue to be serving a minority if they don't try to expand their horizons into markets other than schools and fanatics."

"DHCP, Decent Java JDK/JVM (or C++ for that matter....)"

"It would be nice to be able to phone, via the computer, relatives abroad - with a microphone as per PCs. Also a browser capable of dealing with such sites as: http://www.ljgs.com - which is impossible with Oregano (I tried the demo!) and nearly impossible with AntInternet and AntUtils."

"Hardware Independence, USB, StrongArm Portable, RISC OS 4 on RON, A much better spreadsheet "

"Pre-emptive multitasking, and good memory protection."

"Preemptive multitasking, better media capabilities, better network support, expandibility with standard components."

"Quality Software other than Techwriter. A decent web browser that is reasonably priced and supports Javascript, CSS. A decent implemenation of Java. IMAP mail support. In the main, the software for RiscOS is too expensive in Australia. A good html editor/publishing environment similar to Cold Fusion Studio or Dreamweaver."

"Breadth of hardware and software. It can be quite anoying that RISC OS is not compatible at times. But it does seem to be keeping up... even at a distance! e.g. gcc, pdf, printer support etc. However I am way back in the past with my systems and so don't even try to run the latest things on RISC OS but use Windows 2000 which in fact is very nice on a 4GB 800MHz machine. "

"Portable computers, fast computers."

"1. I miss some kind of keyboard shortcuts (especially in the filer). 2. It would be a very great deal if the the app to kill hanging tasks (ALT-BREAK - sorry, I do not know the name right now) lists all tasks instead of going through the tasks one by one. Would be easier to find and kill hanging tasks this way. 3. Some 'display options' for the Icon Bar."

"An efficient real time graphics browser that includes TIFF images as well as JPEG, GIF, etc"

"Hardware support for general PC hardware cards (ethernetcards etc). Also, decent documentation on how to write hardware drivers for RISC OS. If for instance my machine would be able to take an ethernet card, hardware wise, I wouldn't mind writing a device driver for it, if only there was some documentation about device drivers (preferably also frame-work sources)."

"Players for modern Windows/Mac-based Videos and DVDs Support for Multi-session-CDs Support for non-standard-JPEGs by RISC OS. Support for Midi-in/out as well as 16-Bit-in onboard in current SA-Hardware standardized 3D-acceleration including APIs (e.g. OpenGL) Java1.3 (Development and Runtime) Decent FP-Hardware and/or Realtime DSPs"

"Since I haven't used RO4 yet, I probably shouldn't comment but with the decentralised development of different hardware running RISC OS 4, it would be nice if it had an easy way to implement different drivers - Perhaps a 'drivers' directory under 'system' for placing different manufacturers modules that control access to their hardware with an extension to !configure."

"Availability of a RISC OS portable such as the Riscstation Portable or a RISC OS version of the Psion netBook."

"USB / USB-support Support (plugins) for current & future internet technologies such as: video codecs (Quicktime, Avi, Mpeg), realaudio, realvideo, java etc. etc. RISC OS and RISC OS computers are not the problem: it's the software that's lacking."

"more support for web based standards such as shockwave, audio and general support of audio software/hardware on the platform"

"Better internet access - e.g. JAVA, shockwave etc. Better printer compatability - e.g. photo realistic support and better printer support in general. "

"Java + Swing classes. A text widget allowing easy cut and paste. X-Window/KDE2, DHCP, DVD, DivX, Arithmetic, 3D, OpenGL, No more DMA Problems (SCSI + Powerwave numerous crashes made me buy a Cubase VST PC)"

"software that really is a good alternative to that offered by Windows, software that may well mimic functionality of Windows programs. Official Internet technology like Flash, real player, wma player, CSS, etc, no PD versions. DVD playing capability, ability to create Flash movies on RISC OS. A development IDE that is easy to use and takes a lot of effort out of RISC OS programming."

"Virtual Memory as standard Floating point hardware and software that utilises it as standard 32 bit compatibility is essential - we have been waiting for the Evolution machine from RiscStation for a long time (over 2 years). Image FS or similar built into the operating system Spreadsheet that can read and write MS Excel 97 and 2000 files. Advertising in the mainstream market place. "

"everything seems a bit long in the tooth. I still love the user interface, and would love to see it running on top of Windows. At a very minimum, I'd love to see RISC OS word processors be able to read and natively process things like Word files (rtf doesn't cut it). But the specifics are somewhat irrelevant - the key thing is to have RISC OS be significantly more compatable with Windows."

"Up-to-date Java VM Suport for newer ARMs (32bit mode, etc)"

"The lack of development of the ANT Internet suite is worrying."

"Decent web software"

"slick C++ development suite CORBA/multithreading (cooperation with other H/W) FPA"

"Memory protection, Hard disc repair software."

"Maybe DVD support - movie playing. "

"Full featured internet browser. Better printer drivers. USB. "

"A good spreadsheet and a good web browser."

"decent printer manager, decent CDFS "

"Real Player capability A fast laptop Improvements in all apps needed for scientific research and presentation of research results"

"A Better Browser; USB"

"Software! An Excel and Access clone, wysiwyg web page creation + web site manager; import/export to MS Office."

"A decent spreadsheet!!! Hardware independence would be nice too ;-) Can we have DDC monitor support?"

"32-bit addressing mode support"

"Higher processor power and the OS to use it."

"Better Internet software MPEG M-JPEG movie capture/viewing "

"Pre-emptive multitasking, better media capabilities, better network support, expandibility with standard components."

"Improved internet support (features/gimicks - however annoying!!), better printer drivers, software."

"Modern internet support (Java, Flash, Real Audio etc.). Standardised sampling/playback API"

"Full MPEG, DVD and Apple QuickTime support (I know some of these require hardware support, but the software should be built into RISC OS)."

"port of a good programmable database C library Cplusplus templates, RTTI (other than GCC/GPP?) Complete Sound/Radio/TV support on internet browsers "

"I think that !Printers needs to be fully integrated into the OS, ala Windows. It is often a problem that you need to print something and it's not loaded. Then when it is loaded it uses up icon bar space - unnecessarily unless you are configuring it. Also with regard to speed of printing, many printers have built in fonts - can the driver not take advantage of these when printing from say Impression."

"Improved font manager - Unicode. Digital (DVI/DFP) monitor connections. Improved printing - sprites not printed in blocks in PS (If possible) Good and free PDF reader Uptodate development environment including debugging facilities. Accelerated 3D graphics. "

"Web functionality, e.g. Java 2, Flash"

"S/W: Decent working browser with 'lots of options', working JS,CSS,HTML4, etc. H/W: The newer ways in connectivity like USB "

"Harddisc partitioning standard; include tools for mending broken directories etc as standard (eg. look what happens if you do *defect 0X.... with an address that is occupied by a file; this works under RO3.7 but crashes under RO4.02); better control over the sound system-you never know which application is in control; Could be included in the message system, just like printing & filesystem."

"Easy and cheap twisted pair networking and internet access. Better integration with Wintel applications. Modern Graphics. "

" Ability to order things on the internet (At present the secure credit card details fail to work.)"

"Java and other web technologies, Photo quality printing for more printers"

"Publicity to the public at large who don't even know RISC OS exists More capable web browser for on-line banking and Tesco's website"

"CD functionality poor. Internet functionality poor - Secure websites / banking unavailable. This is a very serious deficiency."

"32bit compatibility, better graphics and sound support, fast storage/retrieval interface (U-ATA/whatever), decent CDFS, decent video replay abilities (eg. DVD capability)."

"High speed graphics. Higher graphics resolution. Processor that can do FP maths! (Basic is faster than FPE!) Tower models. Ability to accept many available sound cards. More MIDI support. More trouble shooting software built in. "

"More support for internet technologies"

"Real Audio, Real Video, DVD, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD R/W, DV and better audio editing capability"

"RISC OS: Better memory protection from 'rogue tasks'. Computers: 100Mbit/s Ethernet, faster processors and memory system."

"Compatibility with PC Components, (the PC compatibility was the reason for purchasing the Risc PC at the time, but it is currently too limited in its abilities), ie. I am tempted by the Viewfinder card as it will let me upgrade my Acorn display to a quality approaching the PC. I am on the point of buying and running alongside the Risc PC."

"A faster CPU, like the Xscale, just to put the Mhz numbers in the same league as for PCs."

"USB/USB2 + FireWire + PCI card support/drivers. Support for Thumbdrive (USB). Firewire was first used for video, but now one can also get scanners, CDRW, harddisc ++ using firewire. Also programs for CD/DVD recorders. I like the operating system and most programs, but feel the hardware/drivers ain't up to date. I would like to do digital-video editing under RISC OS."

"A dustbin. A really quality browser. A means to import Powerpoint files. Compatibility with Excel "

"DMA66 Hard Disc Drive Support - Not A Necessity but would be nice PC100/133 SDRAM Bring the prices of memory upgrades down More support for a wider range of peripherals"

"One program I would like but don't expect is a multimedia presentation program like Macromedia Director... Very happy otherwise. Waiting for a portable..."

"RISC OS, w.r.t. operating system: 'Blocking' I/O (ie. pre-emptive task switches whilst waiting for I/O to begin/complete) and corresponding background I/O. To a lesser degree, kernel/OS-level support for pre-emptive threading and task switching (to make my programming life easier) so that software may run in the 'background' with a reasonable environment."

"32 Bit Mode for Xscale and other ARMs. Built In / Easy to setup TCP/IP Networking with cheap/built in 100 Base T NIC. Proper Screen Driver API, Open GL Support, so that new generation of 3D Display Cards can be used. Basically make RISC OS easily portable to new and faster hardware. GUI should have more keyboard support. Filer should have filter to display only type of files one wants."

"AGP support, OpenGL API, A modern printing system"

"Means of connecting same periphrials as PC"

"Internet plugins. MPEG/AVI/WMV etc. compatability "

"Good printer software, and a good browser"

"Threading, mult-tasking, decent memory protection, VM, c++, new software and leadership and confidence in the marketplace"

"Memory protection Web browser supporting DHTML and CSS 2 Decent IMAP client DHCP support Decent Java implementation Virtual memory Pre-emptive multitasking."

"Better Printer Drivers, use of new variant StrongArms, increased compatibility with PC / Psion software and hardware (for cross-platform work)."

"Better printing system, Better CD system including DVD, Tidy up !Boot structure (& remove Desktop boot from Switcher) Implementation of Unicode."

"Strong support for special needs (I'm partialy sighted and there are somethings that could be imporved on. Basically what I'm saying is not necesarily a standard ROM inclusion but rather that standards are set up and that there is an access pack supplied free to those who can prove they need it (ie. registered partialy sighted, blink, deaf) or at a nominal cost."

"An Excel 'equivalent'. An even more 'compatible' web browser than Oregano. Better/cheaper network cards. Tighter network security features. Good compatibility with Apple Macs MPEG and other video updates"

"Full internet support. Full Printer support. Full peripheral support. Software which is compatible with MS file formats "

"A Browser that can compete with MSE and Netscape. Without this I can't convince potential buyers to buy a RISC OS machine. Floating point. Ever tried to produce a MP3 File?? 16 milion colours at every mode. A way to use Mac and/or PC CDrom's in a RISC OS environment. DVD USB + drivers"

"Recycle bin integrated into the OS. "

"Decent printer drivers"

"Better web connectivity."

"Unbelievably, I did this survey the other day and suggested RO4 needed interactive help... Silly me. I did think of a couple of other things though. Single click operation for all actions, not just opening from the icon bar. A moveable Icon Bar. "

"Support for generic PC hardware A disk-based as well as the ROM-based version (might make it more affordable?) Ability to shade windows. A thin bar around all windows that can be grabbed and dragged to resize them. More quality programs (in all areas) OLE as part of the OS"

"Protected memory. 32bit"

"Portable computer (preferably Psion NetBook) running RISC OS 4"

"DVDsoftware, Java update, Latest flash plug-in and Much better printer drivers for the latest Epson stylus & photo printers. Ooh and USB ports. "

"Integrated Internet software (dial up, email/news, and web browser). Up-to-date printer support. Comprehensive network (multiplatform) compatability by default. DVD movie playback capability. MP3 real-time encoding ability. Mainstream awareness - centrally organised, focussed and directed campaign to present RISC OS to THE WORLD !!!"

"I'm not sure, my Risc PC 700 has pretty much been sitting idle beside my Wintel PC for the past two years, so I don't know how the situation is at the moment."

"Decent web browser. !Browse needs updating."

"Compatability with other computer users and their software "

"Users! ;) But seriously, I don't feel I can legitimately comment on what the GUI or OS needs technically speaking, not having yet used RISC OS 4. (Required by RISC OS 3.7 are just a few minor usability details, all effectively handled by PD software. eg. more keyboard shortcuts) However, the platform as a whole suffers from the fact that so many people a). don't realise it exists"

"Good, up to date affordable hardware and software"

"Memory / Program crash protection ( standard in most Operating systems ) , Better Icons - theme option ( despite Apples theme patent rubbish ) - e.g. sizeable Icon bar ( or transparent ) dustbin, full collection of mdf's supplied with machine, updated Apps (Paint, Draw, Edit etc ) and !Printers, fully working CDFS with Joliet support and more, DVD/Mpeg support - Replay/MovieFS included"

"I would really like to see some ports of things such as MySQL PostGreSQL, which may involve a requirement for easier porting of Unix programs a la CygWin"

"Quick Time, Real Audio "

"Browser compatible with latest HTML specs and full plugin compatibility for the most popular ones. Proper printer drivers equal to PCs as part of the operating system."

"Hard to summarise, really... Since I started using Linux it's become much harder to justify using RISC OS for anything but the occasional app (eg. Pluto) and for fun (eg. programming). Probably the most important thing is pre-emptive multitasking, etc. and that whole can of worms, I think."

"For education - good Macromedia support for Sherston software. Fast Floating Point with StrongARM/Xscale would solve many probs. Support for avi/mpeg movie formats"

"More upto date software to cope with the many uses of the Internet. Also, support for Shockwave, Flash and RealPlayer is a major headache."

"USB. Some way of bringing windows to the front without any part being visible. "

"Better networking support, DHCP, connecting to a microsoft network, etc Support for more recent standards, USB, etc Better cross platform support"

"Mainly internet and multimedia technologies, including real video and audio and the ability to play Quicktime 3 movies. Oregano is superb, and has made the internet more accesible than ever, but it cannot provide access to the aforementioned yet. More compatibilty with the style of working used in Windows - eg. drag a file over a folder and drop to move or copy - little things to make the desktop nicer."

"Internet browsing just like IE on a PC. DVD and digital video. File exchange between Excel and Eureka. That's the reason why I recently had to buy a PC."

"Reliability / timing problems at present need to be solved. I have experienced problems since 'upgrading' Include - internet access software Include free basic spreadsheet and database programs with RISC OS, so people have all basic facilities they require"

"1. Certainty about the future of RISC OS and more especially the applications. 
2. Networking is weak but is now essential."


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