15/01/16 - New VirtualAcorn products on RISCOS.com.3QD Developments Ltd is pleased to announce that a couple more new products have been added to the RISCOS.com RISCwares shopping system. Firstly a new version of VirtualA5000 is now available for immediate download. This is an updated and overhauled version of the product that was supplied by VirtualAcorn. We regularly get enquiries about VirtualA5000 as it hasn't been available for some time. As the classic RISC OS ROMS can be purchased from RISCOS.com it made sense to supply a complete product with a 'classic' version of RISC OS that is pre-configured and ready to go. VirtualA5000 includes RISC OS 3.10 and retails at £15.00. As well as the new version of VirtualA5000 a new version of VirtualRPC that's exclusive to RISCOS.com is also now available. VirtualRPC-DL has similar features to the ever popular VirtualRPC-SE but doesn't include the software packs, documentation archive or all the extra bundled commercial applications. Like the other versions of VirtualRPC VirtualRPC-DL can still read CDs and floppy discs, it can connect to a network and connect to the internet. It supports up to 64Mb of RAM and includes the HostFS and ADFS filing systems. VirtualRPC-DL costs only £25.00, making it the cheapest VirtualRPC ever. VirtualA5000 and VirtualRPC-DL are only available directly from RISCOS.com as downloads, so they won't be available from any RISC OS dealers. Both VirtualA5000 and VirtualRPC-DL are available from today. They are suitable for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Unlike the VirtualRPC products that are supplied on CD neither VirtualA5000 or VirtualRPC-DL need to be registered with VirtualAcorn. They can be used from the moment that they are installed. Both new products can be found in the Emulation section of RISCOS.com. There will be more announcements from RISCOS.com shortly. Aaron - 3QD Developments Ltd